Aus der Reihe "häufig verwechselte Redewendungen":
Ein zweischneidiges Schwert (etwas funktioniert eigentlich, hat aber gewichtige Nachteile) vs. Zwickmühle (wie man es macht, ist es falsch)
a weird thing happened today when i was working with automation curves in ableton live: normally, when i alt-click and drag a curve segment, i can bend it such that it curves toward one of the values of the points that it connects, making a sharp corner at the other end. but somehow, i managed to do something with just alt-clicking and dragging that instead produced an s-shaped curve, that would curve toward both points and have a fixed center point halfway between the two both vertically and horizontally. i have no idea how to replicate it - i managed to do it three times today, but i wasn't able to pinpoint what i did differently, if anything! i googled for the situation, and intriguingly, all i found were people on reddit this happened to, just as baffled as i am, going back several years, and *no solution at all!*
it is very mysterious! people in the comments misunderstand a lot at first, because it's weird to describe, and there are other ways to arrive at these s-curves, but nothing in the manual describes how to access the functionality with just mouse/curve interaction, and no menus.
one person on reddit made a video:…
if anyone has a clue how to replicate the behavior, drop me a line?
Kilian Evang reshared this.
i had an hourlong search for a computer problem yesterday, it was very annoying. well, to be perfectly fair, the search was actually for a solution, the problem was right there
i was talking to my friends on jitsi, and they couldn't hear me well because i was half as loud as everyone else. i checked all the options in jitsi that could influence the mic volume, and, when i was sure everything was maxed out, looked at the browser settings, which were all fine. still quiet.
next stop: windows sound source levels... and: aha! the mic was set to loudness level 66. perfect - just put that on 100, bam! close dialog, start talking like everyone... else..? wait.. why am i not louder than before? open windows settings again: mic level 74. what?
i repeat: what?
set microphone level to 100. go to conference call. speak. go back to windows settings. microphone level is somewhere between 60 and 80.
as we then managed to find out, it was that whenever i stopped speaking on a video call, my microphone pickup level would automatically lower itself.
i could watch the slider jump in the windows settings dialog after i'd made a noise.
well, that meant a fun little pre-easter treasure hunt! it took me a good long while to find all the distributed and hidden windows settings that could have influenced that! some of them were in windows for workgroups 3.11 styled dialogs. you know you're deep in the bowel of an OS when the graphics start looking like the mid 90s.
anyway, i found all of those settings and neutralized them!
and the problem didn't go away because that wasn't what caused it!!!!
so i started googling, like a chump, for further ideas... turns out the internet is chock full of guides to MY SPECIFIC PROBLEM [SOLVED FOR 2024]!!!! how convenient! pay no attention to the seven-fingered spokesperson
i tried all their solutions for 2024, like going through all the messenger software i had that wasn't even running and adjusting their settings, where available, that sounded like they could automatically change the volume; cause apparently that's something apps can do, change the OS level microphone input volume! i did not know that!
in any event, it wasn't zoom or skype or discord or what have you. the problem persisted.
things were complicated further by how my windows is in fucking GERMAN and none of info on the troubleshooting websites in english is googleable directly because i don't know the phrasings of the errors and descriptions and names to google for
so i had mostly german help results
at some point i just started to randomly guess at likely english keywords, and that's when i eventually found the culprit:
it was an experimental flag in fucking chrome that would change the system-wide mic levels through, uh, i wanna say .. WebRTC? i had never heard of any of it
anyway, now i can set my stupid webcam volume to 100 and it will stay there and not drop to 66 after i say hi
and it only took most of my morning!
(if you read all this... about 60 times as long as it took you to do that!)
manx reshared this.
audio is once again cursed
on the one hand, I understand why it is like this, on the other hand OUCH OOF WHY
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apparently these can coexist?…
How do ball and roller bearings work? Types and durability calculation. DIN ISO 281
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Kilian Evang reshared this.
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Kilian Evang reshared this.
Amin Negm-Awad🇪🇺🌴🇺🇸🥥 reshared this.
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FWIW, diese bilder kann ich auch sehen, die bilder im originalpost nicht (ist das problem mehrere bilder in einem post?)
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Kilian Evang reshared this.
Oona is pushing paint around
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