people of the abraum-friendica, the server has been updated. if you encounter anomalies, turn around and walk the other direction. do not look back! ;)
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update done
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throwup-friday (yes, a bit late): if you have not watched it, go watch "Auslaufmodell Supermarkt?" from arte in 2021, currently it is available at deutsche welle (link at the end). Or use mediathekview.…
Auslaufmodell Supermarkt? – DW – 04.09.2023
Jahrzehntelang beherrschten große Supermarktketten den globalen Lebensmittelmarkt. Doch der harte Preiskrieg untereinander und der wachsende Einfluss digitaler Großkonzerne wie Amazon und Alibaba stürzen die Branche in eine immer tiefere
the world should have a lot more people like mario, and a lot less megacorporations:
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Bacchus1234 reshared this.
können wir bitte ein neues internet haben? danke.…
Kommentar: Microsoft Network bezeichnet verstorbenen Sportler als "nutzlos"
"Brandon Hunter useless at 42", titelte Microsoft Network (MSN). Der Basketballspieler starb einen frühen Tod. Microsofts Anstand auch.heise online
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service announcement for apple users: update your iphones, ipads and macs NOW. remote vulnerabillity, very serious.
what a surprise... people dont like subscriptions? i wonder how many people it took to invent this idea in the first place...…
BMW's terrible heated seats subscription didn't even make it to a second winter
BMW is one of several automakers that have been nickel and diming customers, including with a monthly subscription for heated seats in certain models and...Kris Holt (Engadget)
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warum auch nicht...…
"Völlig unverantwortlich": KI-generierte Pilzratgeber bei Amazon angeboten
Auf Amazon wurden mehrere englischsprachige Pilzratgeber gesperrt, die offenbar aus einem KI-Textgenerator stammen. Die Tipps waren teilweise lebensgefährlich.Martin Holland (heise online)
service announcement!
because chase roberts first book "computer engineering for babies" (the one with the pushbuttons, and the led, explaing logic gates and latch) is a big hit here at home: the guy is kickstarting the successor with switches and more leds! why dont you go over there and order one or two for yourself? while you are at it, you can add a copt of the original book, this is fantastic stuff to show off your nerdyness on the living room table while not alienating normal people (they love the books as well). here you go:…
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this is an important article. it is from the us, but it also applies here in europe and everywhere else. please go read it.…
If You Want To Be Friends, Then Why Aren’t You Friendly?
A look at one of the most alarming and pressing problems of our age: the much-lamented fact that "the left" won't be friends with "the right," over "political views."A.R. Moxon (The Reframe)
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es ist so genial. überall auf der welt erlobbyen(?) sich verlegerverbände sowas wie das kaputte deutsche #Leistungsschutzrecht, und heulen dann rum, wenn plattformen halt keine previews für links mehr anzeigen. meine fresse, was für eine überraschung, in jedem land aufs neue. protip für die politiker unter euch: hört halt mal mehr auf die menschen, die sich mit diesem #neuland internet auskennen, bevor ihr euch scheissgesetze von der contentindustrie diktieren lasst?
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antisocial networks
phew. accounts deleted:
- personal instagram
- telegram
- facebook (deactivated for now)
feeling good about it.
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RufUsul likes this.
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felix b. ohmann likes this.
Anatol likes this.
updates done
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Finally I can use my account again. It was stuck in an unsupported theme.
felix b. ohmann likes this.
friendica updated
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people influx
Zerody likes this.
Important reminder! :)
everybody's free to wear sunscreen - Baz Luhrmann
it's been almost 6 yrs of wondering what's d title of the song that i've heard frm my frnds compilation cd.. thanks fredz galleto, now i hve a peace of mind....YouTube
felix b. ohmann likes this.
reshared this
update incoming
hi people of the abraum. i will update the system to 2022.06 soon, one of the changes should be that more mastodon-compatible apps will work with
i will test a few and get back here with my findings soon!
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unsocial media
page update on post
freenas/truenas scale linux
friendica 2021.06 to 2022.02 db structure?
also, i guess at least some people using git to install friendica might fall over the update instructions. maybe they could be appended by the neccessary steps... since i was still on 2021.06, i should have done
git fetch --all --tags
git checkout tags/2021.09 -b 2021.09-branch
git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/stable 2021.09-branch
and then pull 2021.09 but the 2022.02 post just references "if you are below 2021.09, update to that version first" with a link to the original 2021.09 press release, which just asks the users to pull "stable", which will update to whatever is the latest version (in my case 2022.02). i know i should learn git properly, but i use is so sparsely that stuff like this gets me every time. :)
Hypolite Petovan likes this.
arcs of 8
good day, fellow people on!
there will be some maintenance work, upgrading the friendica installation, the site might be down for a bit during the process!
Missing Link: Inside N26 – Hire & Fire, kranker Arbeitsrhythmus und Pannen
Eine kranke Firmenkultur, ein Rätsel, "dass es irgendwie läuft" – sagen Ex-Mitarbeiter von N26. Die Handy-Bank selbst sieht sich als "starke Arbeitgebermarke".Stefan Krempl (heise online)
Robert Dresden
in reply to felix b. ohmann • • •felix b. ohmann likes this.