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trying to keep track of my emerging pet peeves:

- the "you ask" pattern

i've noticed a huge increase in this over the past few years; people in tv shows, on youtube, sometimes in movies, will pronounce questions as if they were going to add "..., you ask?" to them. i hate it

- the "name in commas" pattern

this is becoming an absolute epidemic in social media; here are a few examples:

"Occultist, Aleister Crowley, was an accomplished mountain climber."
"Rheinmetall CEO, Armin Papperger, reports that the company will not only deliver ..."
"Iran sentences renowned director, Mohammad Rasoulof, to 8 years in prison and flogging"

the thing that's perhaps noteworthy about both of these is the vehemence with which they will be defended as supposedly correct. my fear, of course, is that they actually are.

in reply to wayfinder

I wonder what the "you ask" pattern is, exactly. Pitch rising higher at the end than normal question intonation?
in reply to Kilian Evang

yeah, basically.

rhetorical questions in particular fall victim to it a lot of the time.

in reply to wayfinder

Interesting, I'd never noticed the "name in commas" pattern. Using the terminology of Schneider and Zeldes (2021), I would describe it as name descriptors (more specifically: embellishments) treated incorrectly as appositives in orthography.…

every time someone posts a link to an article on yahoo, this is the full extent of the preview:

Not even mentioning the two errors in just five words of headline, there's no actual preview of the content of the article...

when people using the false plural "octopi", do they also do it for other words ending in -us for which -i is not the correct plural form?

i propose to name this field of study "autobi"-ography

in reply to wayfinder

i think the scientists have mostly given up on "octopi" (mostly because "octopodes" is also fake and "octopuses" sounds bad), but there are still folks fighting the good fight against "virii"

why do so many people write "isaac" as "issac"? it's like an epidemic, probably more common as a misspelling than "micheal" at this point. i wonder what the reason behind that is...
in reply to Cromley

@VoiceofDuum hahaha! So true! It happens to me so often. I have no idea why, to be honest. Next time someone spells my name that way, I'll ask them 😋

making salsa, one of the few pleasurable jarring experiences

khm reshared this.

slightly ticked off again that discord cannot search in threads

please, i beg of you all... no more cat puns with "purr" or "meow"
in reply to Anatol

it's really not nice to do the thing in response to a sincere plea to stop
in reply to wayfinder

apologies, I honestly thought the "fursona" angle was sufficiently original as opposed to "purrsonally" :f
This entry was edited (8 months ago)
in reply to charly

@oxytocinated this seems to be yet another case of our communication styles matching very poorly
in reply to Anatol

please don't clash on my account! charly, thanks for being protective of me, and anatol, thanks for not doubling down! i hope we can all be fine with this, i am!

by age 46 you should have a sizable collection of grammar pet peeves (about 50% of which are indicators of aging out of language as it is in common use, even if that common use is stupid as fuck)
in reply to wayfinder

is this the thread where I list them out or do I just continue silently judging people

you can measure how owned someone is with a their-mom-meter

reshared this

i've seen that screenshot from the fox news show about libraries* roll through my feed a few times now, and i keep wondering what they thought the comma was for in "drug-infested, sex dens"

*not reproducing it again because meh

i'm guessing the british government could improve their perceived trustworthiness by a measurable amount if they stopped calling everything they do a "scheme"

it just sounds so sinister and implies ulterior motives!

I recently uploaded two new tracks to my soundcloud, and I've had multiple spammers/scammers reach out to declare their undying love for the tracks and offer their services listing it on all the marketplaces, etc. It really does feel like there's a normalized base level of this sort of thing almost everywhere on the web, like parasites, bacteria and viruses in the environment, just a constant pressure of hopeful little bloodsuckers. Every place needs some sort of immune system against these omnipresent threats (and usually, this is not something the platform does, so in effect they force their users into a defensive posture by default.) It's pretty dire, in my opinion.

Kilian Evang reshared this.

I made music for a thing:

Best enjoyed at 1080p with a nice-ish GPU!

reshared this

getting over it


🏌️‍♂️             🥈          🕳

serviceperson hat meine verabschiedung interpretiert wie sie dachte. vielleicht vergessen, dass die erfahrung "recht gehabt aber pech gehabt, lol was willst du machen" war

ich fand es als kind immer sehr verwirrend, dass "der mensch hat gute nerven" (edit: oder auch "nerven wie stahlseile") das gleiche bedeutet hat wie "der hat keine nerven" (bzw "ein mensch ohne nerven"). aber letztere formulierung habe ich nun schon echt lange nicht mehr gesehen

Kilian Evang reshared this.

dit is berlin! kopflose ratte inner pfütze zwischen den tramschienen. foto erspar ich euch

quaewpos reshared this.

A pair of pigeons has made its home in the tree in our yard, and when one of them woke me at 6:52 am on a Saturday by screaming (technical term) right in front of my balcony door, I decided to do a little 5 minute craft project. Let's see if the pigeons like it.
in reply to wayfinder

the birds outside my windows don't even mind the real cat sitting on the windowsill and making silly noises
in reply to wayfinder

as a little update on this, 2 weeks later, it seems to have worked a treat. the pigeons have, probably out of an abundance of caution and alternatives, decided to find a different balcony for early-morning vocalization, and I have not been disturbed in my sleep since.

was hat es eigentlich mit diesem phänomen auf sich, dass deutsche schmunzeltwittergroßaccounts (und jetzt vmtl auch welche auf bluesky) sich mit namen und/oder bild englischsprachiger komiker und sitcomfiguren präsentieren? chevy chase, alf, etc.? das macht soweit ich das weiß anderswo niemand...

if you're calling it an Essential Mix, it better be all A-minor acid tracks

"A.I." folgt nach einem ungünstig getimeten Tippfehler leider den 3 Gesetzen von Asimove

dojoe reshared this.

ich so: ein (1, in zahlen: EIN) deutsches comedy-video von unter 1 minute länge anguck


ich will das eigentlich nicht, aber es geht mir so endlos auf den keks, wie selbstverständlich fast alle leute "scheinbar" statt "anscheinend" verwenden. ich habe so lange versucht, da still zu sein, aber es frisst mich auf. ich will die anschreien! was mich das schon an kraft gekostet hat, mich da zurück zu halten! ich muss vielleicht mal ne phase einlegen, in der ich mich unbeliebt mache und was dazu sage - einfach aus self care. falls ihr davon betroffen seid, nehmt es mir bitte nicht übel. und sagt einfach IMMER "anscheinend", dann seid ihr auf der sicheren seite.
in reply to wayfinder

Ich meine: »scheinbar« hat laut Duden (…) beide Bedeutungen, »anscheinend« nur die schwächere, passt also in den Situationen nicht, in denen man sagen will, dass etwas nur zum Schein so ist, weil man dann ja eine schwächere Aussage trifft, als die, die man eigentlich treffen wollte (wenn auch zugegebenermaßen keine Aussage, die der intendierten widersprechen würde).

Kilian Evang reshared this.

in reply to Kilian Evang

ja, der kampf ist wohl verloren. das macht es nicht besser, nur häufiger. "scheinbar" hat die schwächere zweitbedeutung nur deswegen im duden eingetragen bekommen, weil es genug leute nicht geschafft haben, die beiden begriffe auseinander zu halten. es ist ein armutszeugnis.

Quentin Tarantino must be beyond livid that someone else is getting to direct "Attack of the 50-Foot Woman"

khm reshared this.