Do your thing, #demoscene
The Bad News:
With Things Still Not Being Quite Normal, there is no #Evoke this year, as you all may have already heard.
The Good News:
We still can't sit still, so once again we have decided to basically run a social experiment on you, our favorite people.
So here's our question: If everything goes, as long as you (as in: You, our favorite people!) apply enough peer pressure on your friends, and (as always) make some things happen... Will it be wild?
Will you please surprise us? Will you make us laugh?
Will you force us to watch things we usually would never consider for our party?
WIll your contribution to the "In The Mix" Compo break the H0ffman and make us dance?*
We really want to know.
Stay tuned, get creative and go check out the website to see what i'm talking about!
*I'm honestly way too hyped for all your breaks already.
Névoke 2021
Névoke in an online demoparty which will be streamed live on on the Internet. Hang out with sceners virtually and take part in a wide variety of creative competitions.Névoke 2021
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Sir Garbagetruck
in reply to Darya • • •Hopefully loads of people see this and learn how awesome evoke is.
Even the people who are complaining that the logo is readable.
Darya likes this.
in reply to Sir Garbagetruck • •Sir Garbagetruck
in reply to Darya • • •It's one of the fun "early Evoke" things (: "How will we pronounce this year's Evoke?"
And it gets people talking about Evoke, which gets people thinking about Evoke and productions and... well. It's just fun (:
felix b. ohmann
in reply to Darya • • •Darya likes this.
in reply to felix b. ohmann • • •I'm happy we're doing this as well - but also kinda nervous, since it's a trust fall into the community that we're doing here. But this whole "let's build our own multi-streaming thing and let people provide their own content alongside ours" thing that we did last year also had this element of uncertainty to it, and the community gave back, so i'm cautiously optimistic here :)
Thank the universe for people who don't just say yes, but agree to completely overengineer an idea because there's nothing to lose, really.
Sir Garbagetruck
in reply to Darya • • •hold up, you're building your own multi-streaming thing?
Are you using owncloud as the backend? (As several folks here on the fedi have used it, it's really cool, and I'd really be interested in knowing what they're doing with it...)
But then maybe you've got the CCC helping?
(I'm intrigued and would love a writeup from someone eventually (: )
(also fairly sure loads of people here would as well, that is to say, the fedi bubble I'm in is made of of people who do things, not people who talk about other people.)
in reply to Sir Garbagetruck • •Nah, the multistreaming was for the "social stream" thing last year (we used twitch api, but made our own front so people could drag and drop their own stream grids configurations).
We're not doing the multistream this year, but let me spoil you the following news: We did decide to stay away from twitch - the CCC is helping!
Sir Garbagetruck
in reply to Darya • • •Awesome. BTW, the CCC is here also (:
(which makes total sense (: )