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They're doing some lampshading outside my place

i wonder how this emoji construction looks in other clients...

Rip whoever died in this rest stop

ich hab noch mal das gerät gecheckt was du haben wolltest

serviceperson hat meine verabschiedung interpretiert wie sie dachte. vielleicht vergessen, dass die erfahrung "recht gehabt aber pech gehabt, lol was willst du machen" war

A pair of pigeons has made its home in the tree in our yard, and when one of them woke me at 6:52 am on a Saturday by screaming (technical term) right in front of my balcony door, I decided to do a little 5 minute craft project. Let's see if the pigeons like it.

kommt mit auf die Liste:

Weird hardware people, heads up! A true surprise in terms of running Doom:

The country of Belgium.

free product idea: candy bananas, but one in 50 is actually a clove of garlic

(dt.) Zwergenwerfen = (engl.) chuck Noris

i guess this is what you would call an unhinged jaw

i have exactly two things in my home that are made from (mostly) plastic and shaped like a flower: a little solar-powered dancing blossom that i keep on the kitchen windowsill, and an egg timer. somehow, i have managed to behead both of these within the past week. is it a sign

the two aforementioned implements, still decapitated, on my workbench and ready to be fixed with super glue

bzw im ausgeloggten zustand so

geil, bei mir zeigt er so:

watch out here come my posts

das war keine aufforderung

it reminds me of this old concept of mine, where a tiny creature had wings that would mimic a predator's head when unfolded

the quickest of sketches... i am so rusty

it's not all it's cracked up to be

using the ol' sitting cat curve for the clap volume

someone posted this pic in the chat today:

a hipster and a grandma recognize each other's game wearing the same coat

it's a great photo!

and I immediately thought, that looks like cologne! in fact that's what I posted in reply:

wayfinder — Yesterday at 4:26 PM<br>[geoguessr voice] that looks like cologne. nice

and the part of me that watched the geoguessr world championships and genuinely thought it was the most exciting sporting event I'd seen in years was like,

could it be? could I find it?


there it is: my hunch was RIGHT! it WAS in cologne! I DID find it on street view! what a powerful feeling!

kennich, waren aber schon da unpopulär

allow me to deal you some psychic damage

wenn mir jemand sagt "bring your a game"

das muss wohl eine dieser man-in-the-middle-attacken sein von denen man immer wieder hört