- a Google search alternative
It's been giving me some valuable results during the last days. Noticeably less than Google, but also way less seo-splaining bollocks. Recommended!
Mojeek is a web search engine that provides unbiased, fast, and relevant search results combined with a no tracking privacy
felix b. ohmann likes this.
friendica 2021.06 to 2022.02 db structure?
Friendica Support reshared this.
arcs of 8
First mix of the year - and it's a very different one.
Recorded a set of fave songs from the Beach Boys to Timber Timbre for the Breakfast of Champions podcast. Enjoy :)…
brfocast sechsundsechzig • RONNY PRIES •
This is the idea. This is Tausend und eine Nacht. From a very big house in the country. Merci Beaucoup
Happy belated St. Nichols' Day - have this mix as my appreciation 🙂 It's supposed to be good for jogging. But I guess also for loosing your mind/raving in your armchair/banging your head against the wall (please don't):…
Mix: Failing Forward (Happy belated Nikolausi)
71 minutes of that "oh it's the 90s again" feel. Just with a modern selection of schtuff. For your high energy jogging exercise. I guess it also suits for loosing your mind/raving in your armchair/banSoundCloud
good day, fellow people on!
there will be some maintenance work, upgrading the friendica installation, the site might be down for a bit during the process!
Missing Link: Inside N26 – Hire & Fire, kranker Arbeitsrhythmus und Pannen
Eine kranke Firmenkultur, ein Rätsel, "dass es irgendwie läuft" – sagen Ex-Mitarbeiter von N26. Die Handy-Bank selbst sieht sich als "starke Arbeitgebermarke".Stefan Krempl (heise online)
go check it out if you dont want to feed the google shit machine more data! likes this.
bye bye Spotify
ja, super, cdu, weiter so. ihr schafft das noch mit unter 20. da geht noch was.…
Sicherheitslücken in CDU-connect-App: Strafverfahren gegen Entdeckerin
Gegen eine Entwicklerin, die Sicherheitslücken in insgesamt drei Wahlkampf-Apps entdeckt hatte, wird ermittelt. Dabei war sie verantwortungsbewusst vorgegangen.Martin Holland (heise online)
Frederik "ace`r`us" Bleiwurst likes this.
Frederik "ace`r`us" Bleiwurst doesn't like this.
Let's put social back into network.
Here's what I've been missing on social networks, and how I wish this place to be different:
Being approached with displayed curiosity and open-mindedness, shining through open-ended questions. The ability to disagree in compassionate ways, if temporarily necessary. Encounters with human beings on eye-level. Instead of opinion-despensing 'somethings'.
That others' words and actions are not only influenced by whatever I deem to be highest priority or urgency at this very moment in time. Last not least, that even face-to-face communication is more likely to fail than succeed (how I love these:… )
Ultimately: acting from an understanding that life on this rock is a massive multiplayer co-op game. That every word and every action by everyone at every point in time shifts the balance between building a mental bridge or a wall. And that the only time we can actually do something is, has always been and will always be: NOW.
Choose your words wisely, you're more responsible than you think you are. I'd like to invite you to think about it. Nothing more, nothing less. Because imho - the first step to change is awareness. Despite often feeling like 'not enough' or worse: nothing.
Supporting Felix with this Friendica instance and whatever things to come, this is the common ground on which I'd like to connect to you. To me, it's implicitly filed under 'common sense': the understanding that I can not, neither want to, sustainably exist in a vacuum. Personally, I'm also trying to stick to non-violent, non-judgemental communication:…
It's already challenging to wrap this up in a way serving this instance as set of whatever you want to call it. I certainly regard calls-to-action and living-by-example more promising than not-to-do-lists.
Any thoughts, ideas, comments?
Otherwise: have this happy bird :)…
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Dance like nobody is watching (and post a video of it)
Post your dance videos in the comments..…
OVERWERK - 12:30
For the latest from OVERWERK visit : https://www.overwerk.comTo share your support, please comment, like, & subscribe :
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New network - then what?
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Apart from that I think friendica already has too many features in a few areas (why have categories AND tags? Like AND star? Subjects for private messages?) and would remove those in my own approach
Moin Felix, könnte hier eventuell beim Design helfen. Find die Idee hier echt Supergut - aber ein Erlebnis ist was anderes. ; )
Man muss ja nicht gleich übertreiben - aber hier und da etwas polishing könnte nicht schaden, denke ich.
Ich komm auch gern mal mit meinen Skates bei Dir rum. Würd Dich eh gern mal besuchen - weil sieht gut aus bei Dir da und auch ewig nicht gesehen.
Lieben Gruß.
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felix b. ohmann
in reply to felix b. ohmann • •Hypolite Petovan
in reply to felix b. ohmann • • •Hypolite Petovan
in reply to felix b. ohmann • • •felix b. ohmann likes this.
felix b. ohmann
in reply to felix b. ohmann • •felix b. ohmann
in reply to felix b. ohmann • •also, i guess at least some people using git to install friendica might fall over the update instructions. maybe they could be appended by the neccessary steps... since i was still on 2021.06, i should have done
git fetch --all --tags
git checkout tags/2021.09 -b 2021.09-branch
git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/stable 2021.09-branch
and then pull 2021.09 but the 2022.02 post just references "if you are below 2021.09, update to that version first" with a link to the original 2021.09 press release, which just asks the users to pull "stable", which will update to whatever is the latest version (in my case 2022.02). i know i should learn git properly, but i use is so sparsely that stuff like this gets me every time. :)
Hypolite Petovan
in reply to felix b. ohmann • • •felix b. ohmann
in reply to felix b. ohmann • •Hypolite Petovan likes this.